





Why Everybody Is Talking About Law of Attraction



law of attraction

To affirm means to declare what is already present. It is the same with creating and using affirmations to attract or to transform the things which we desire. When you create an affirmation, you are declaring to yourself and the universe that the desire is already created. As you continue to repeat these affirmations you are also holding your thoughts clearing with intense focus on the creation that you have made.

Napoleon Hill revealed Andrew Carnegie’s great Secret to the world – that thoughts create things – when he wrote “Think & Grow Rich” in 1937 (although it had taken him 25 years to complete).

The key to keep in mind is that thoughts are as real as any physical thing. You must be completely convinced as that it is so just as you are convinced that the earth is round. Hold your thoughts long enough and in time you’ll see them manifest in your reality.

James Allen wrote his famous work in 1912 and in “As a Man Thinketh” he tells people that “mind is the master-weaver, both the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness.”

Embrace the New – Find as many things as you can which stimulate you. New activities bring you and your own energy to wider and greater possibilities. When you move through your everyday activities you are moving through the same old way of thinking. Have you ever noticed that entering your work place can immediately get you to think in a particular way?

At the level of thought “things” are nothing but random energy waiting to be “assembled”. Yet they are as real as electricity is real. We can’t see electricity, but we know beyond shadows of a doubt that it exists. We also know that thoughts are real because everything that has ever been invented or created in our physical world began with a thought. The manifestation of the “thing” from the invisible plane into our physical world is enabled by the persistence of thought.

There are techniques that do cleans those old negative debris that must be dealt with first before the new circumstances can manifest. It does require an easy daily practice but once it is done the changes begin to show in such a magnificent way.

It’s a survival thing designed to help us remember and avoid the dangers of life. But being aware of our fears and letting them control our thoughts are two different things. Turning the negative fears into positive thoughts is the key.

In all things, there are layers. On just about every single topic you will find that if you consulted with someone who has gained success he can take apart the topic into several categories. Within each category there are layers that can be mastered in greater detail. The law of attraction is no different. Taking a little bit of time to understand the ways in which to apply each part will greatly benefit you in dramatically manifesting what you truly desire. There are ways of contracting time and moving what you desire to you rapidly. We truly live in a magical world. How far down the rabbit whole are you willing to go?

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