





Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring



gunung kawi1 -Banjar Penaka is a name of village in tampaksiring, this place is also called as “Gunung Kawi” village. Gunung Kawi is an 11th-century temple and funerary complex in Tampaksiring north east of Ubud, that is spread across either side of the Pakerisan river. It comprises 10 rock-cut candi (shrines) that are carved into some 7-metre-high sheltered niches of the sheer cliff face. These funeral monuments are thought to be dedicated to King Anak Wungsu of the Udayana dynasty and his favourite queens. On the east side there are five temples that are dedicated, according to one theory, to King Udayana, his queen Mahendradatta and their sons Airlanga, Anak Wungsu and Marakata. The temples on the west side are dedicated, according to the same theory, to the king’s minor queens or concubines.

gunung kawi2 -Until now, the building is used as a place for prayer by local people. Traditional ceremony is usually celebrated every full moon Kapat in Balinese calendar (in September).

If you want to visit Gunung Kawi Kawi, please note there is a dress code required, that you should follow.

  • For women need to wear a sarong (cloth, that wrap from waist to ankle) and on you need to tie a scarf or a sash on the waist. Please note, women during menstruation, are not allowed to enter the temple area.
  • For men also need to wear a sarong, a shirt, a scarf or a sash tied around the waist

Opening Hours:
8 am – 6 pm

Entrance Fee / person:
15.000 IDR

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