





Besakih Temple



besakih1 -Pura Besakih is a temple complex in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali. It is the most important, the largest and holiest temple of Hindu religion in Bali and one of a series of Balinese temples. Perched nearly 1000 meters up the side of Gunung Agung, it is an extensive complex of 23 separate, but related temples with the largest and most important being Pura Penataran Agung. The temple is built on six levels, terraced up the slope. The entrance is marked by a candi bentar (split gateway) and beyond it the Kori Agung is the gateway to the second courtyard.

Besakih temple is the mother of all temples in Bali Island. There are three main temple such as Penataran Agung Temple dedicated to almighty god (3 main function of the god), Kiduling kreteg temple, dedicated to Brahma and Batumadeg Temple for Wisnu. Recommended temple to visit as below:

  1. Visit Pura Gelap Temple, this known for beautiful temple with amazing view due to location on highest location
  2. Visit Batumadeg Temple, another beautiful temple on the compounds
  3. Visit Penataran Agung temple, the centre of the all compounds

If you want to visit Pura Besakih, please note there is a dress code required, that you should follow.

  • For women need to wear a sarong (cloth, that wrap from waist to ankle) and on you need to tie a scarf or a sash on the waist. Please note, women during menstruation, are not allowed to enter the temple area.
  • For men also need to wear a sarong, a shirt, a scarf or a sash tied around the waist.

besakih2 -Opening Hours: 7 am – 10 pm

Entrance Fee / person:  60.000 IDR

In the fee is included: Local guide during visiting Besakih temple area, sarong, sash

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