





Quanta Bioenergy Pendant



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What is Quanta Bioenergy Pendant?
Quanta Pendant is a Bio Energy Pendant or also known as an energy health necklace that emits energy that provides the main benefits to help maintain health and healing from diseases and various positive benefits that are useful for the human body such as improving blood circulation, increasing oxygen in the blood, reducing inflammation, the process of healing cramps, migraines, vertigo, preventing heart disease, etc.

Why should use Quanta Pendant?
Quanta Pendant is made through in-depth research using natural minerals from volcanoes and other materials then processed with nano technology so that Quantai Pendant can emit energy that is beneficial to health and the healing process of diseases and many other positive benefits.

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What are the benefits of Quanta Pendant?
There are so many benefits that you get when you use Quanta Pendant, including the body will become fresher, this is because this pendant emits energy and anions which help facilitate blood flow and increase oxygen supply in the blood.

Helping the healing process of diseases such as migraine, vertigo, cramps, heart disease, liver, kidneys, lungs and even some testimonials said that high-energy pendant will provide positive benefits in healing critical illnesses such as cancer, strokes, etc. Helps slow the aging process or serves as an anti-aging, because Quanta has the potential for energy to help the body in cell regeneration.

Helps counteract the negative energy from the outside which is supernatural, this is because the energy emanating from the Quanta Pendant is large enough to make energy sheats.

What is contained in the Quanta Pendant?
Quanta Pendant is made from a mixture of 220 types of minerals and 100% natural in its manufacturing process with the Nano technology system which is the highest technology standard in Korea and heated to more than 1,600 ° C and then allowed to cool slowly so as to give a reaction to mineral material these and emit energy, FIR and anions (negative ions) which are beneficial for the human body.

Here are some of the Quanta Products:

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 5000 CPM

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 5000 CPM -

Energy: > 5,000 cpm
Chocolate color with the following contents:
* 20% negative ion / anion
* Germanium 20%
* Far Infrared (FIR) 20%
* And 40% others
Price: USD 65   


Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 10.000 CPM

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 10000 CPM -

Energy: > 10,000 cpm Chocolate color with the following contents:
* 20% negative ion / anion
* Germanium 20%
* Far Infrared (FIR) 20%
* And 40% others
Price: USD 125     


Pendant Quanta Bioenergi 20.000 CPM

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 20000 CPM -

Energy:> 20,000 cpm
Brown color with the following contents:
* 30% negative ion / ion
* Germanium 20%
* Far Infrared (FIR) 20%
* And 30% others
Price: USD 250    

Pendant Quanta Bioenergi 30.000 CPM

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 30000 CPM -

Energy:> 30,000 cpm
Brown color with the following contents:
* Anion / negative ion 60%
* 10% Germanium
* Far Infrared (FIR) 10%
* 10% Black Tourmaline
* And 10% others
Price: USD 350   


Pendant Quanta Bioenergi 50.000 CPM

Quanta Bioenergi Pendant 50000 CPM -

Energy:> 50,000 cpm
Brown color with the following contents:
* Anion / negative ion 60%
* 10% Germanium
* Far Infrared (FIR) 10%
* 10% Black Tourmaline
* And 10% others
Price: USD 500