Does the Law of Attraction Work? This question has been asked time and time again by just about everyone that’s ever heard of the Law of Attraction: does it really work? As hard as it may be to believe, the Law of Attraction works. It has always worked and it will always work whether you practice it or not.
Simply put, the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. It’s based on the fact that everything in this world emits a certain vibration and those vibrations seek out and interact with other things that have similar vibrations.
Haven’t you ever noticed when one bad thing happens in your life it is often followed by another? This is often called the domino effect. We have other sayings for it such as:“When it rains it pours.” That’s the Law of Attraction at work.
If the Law of Attraction is so great, why use negative examples to illustrate its effectiveness? For some reason, we as a society find it much easier to believe something negative instead of the things that are positive. When good things happen we just write them off as a one-off lucky break or think that it was just chance.
Is the Law of Attraction About Chance?
There’s no such thing as chance. Everything that happens in this world and in your life happens for a reason. That reason is the Law of Attraction.
Whether you accept it or not, the Law of Attraction works. To believe that it works means that you have to accept responsibility for where your life is and that makes it hard for many to accept the Law of Attraction. Most people right now reading this are going to think: “I do accept responsibility.” Do you really?
Where are your thoughts right now? Are you worrying about money or how to pay the bills? Are you stressed over the fact that more bills keep coming and the money keeps getting spread thinner and thinner?
- The more you worry and stress out about bills, the more bills you’ll receive. The more you worry about not having money, the less money you’ll have in your bank account. If you simply change the way you think about these things, you’ll be amazed at what will happen. You will begin to take positiveaction subconsciously.
Spend the next 14 days not thinking about your bills. Don’t look at your bank account. Every time you go to the mailbox, picture money in there. Every time you start to think about bills and debt, transform your mind into thoughts ofoverflowing abundance.
- Think about what you have in your life that is good. Everyone, no matter who they are, has something to be grateful for. Figure out what you’re grateful for and focus on it.
Some people will argue that it takes more than just “thinking” about things to make them happen or appear, which is true. Thoughts need to be transformed into actions, that’s why some believers say that, so long as you’re thinking about what you want in life, you will take the necessary actions to make those things happen. This is simply another way the Law of Attraction can work.
The Law of Attraction is working right now, all around you. It’s at work in your life. It’s time for you to take control and make the Law of Attraction work in your favor. This means you have to change the way you think. You have to be grateful for what you have and you have to always focus on the positive. The Law of Attraction is real, and it is powerful.
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